
Check our calendar for dates/times of upcoming Workshops.

Mindfulness Meditation Workshop for ADHD and Anxiety

Lisa Ernst, meditation teacher and founder of One Dharma Nashville, and Terry Huff, LCSW, psychotherapist specializing in adults with ADHD and author of Living Well with ADHD, will offer a meditation workshop on meditation and ADD/ADHD. The workshop will include lecture, practice,and discussion and will address the following:

  1. Why meditate?
  2. Basics of practice
  3. Different practices for
    1. selective attention (focusing)
    2. open awareness (expanding)
    3. compassion (for self and other)

Research shows that mindfulness practice improves concentration, attention regulation, self-observation (ofmental activity), working memory, and emotion regulation.

The workshop location is Nashville Friends House, 530 26thAve N. Early registration cost is $50 ($60 after deadline). Check our calendar for upcoming dates. Payment can be made by check or Paypal to One Dharma Nashville. For Paypal, go to: Instructions for paying by check are at the same link. Please include your email address. A reduced fee is available to anyone who can’t afford the full fee.

Contact or to inquire.

ADHD Couples

This 4-hour workshop for couples living with ADHD consists of an interactive lecture, group activity, and discussion. It is divided into three parts:

  1. Presentation and discussion on what is different about the ADHD brain and how it affects the individual with the disorder.Terry M. Huff - Workshops
  2. Inner-outer circle activity:
    1. The non-ADHD partners sit in a circle and discuss how their ADHD partners’ disorder affects them and the partnership. The ADHD partners sit in an outer circle and listen without commenting.
    2. The ADHD partners sit in the inner circle and discuss how their non-ADHD partners’ responses to the disorder affects them and the partnership. The non-ADHD partners sit in the outer circle and listen without commenting.
    3. The whole group discusses what they learned from both circles.
  3. Presentation and discussion:
    1. What comprises a healthy relationship and what leads couples down the path to divorce.
    2. What both partners need to know about the ADHD effect on the relationship.
    3. What each partner can do to prevent problems that the ADHD might cause and how each must share responsibility for building a competent partnership.

Meditation Workshop for Adults with ADHD

Mindfulness training has become a popular topic in recent years. This 3-hour workshop addresses the nuts and bolts of how to practice in a way that helps participants to be better able to direct their attention, focus their attention, and nurture open awareness. The workshop consists of instruction, guided meditations, and discussion.



Support Group Email Reminders

To receive email reminders of our meetings, click here to contact Sara Skillen.
You only need an ADHD diagnosis to attend.

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