Message of Hope
Please accept this message of hope to everyone who has felt alienated in recent weeks. We all need each other more than ever. We need to recognize our interdependence and embrace our collective strength. We cannot afford be hopeless and cynical about the future. There is work to be done to make sure that no one is left behind.
In our special kind of democracy, it is the responsibility of all three branches of government to represent the interests of all of its citizens. If representation is threatened, we have an obligation to be part of the solution—in some way, big or small— to preserve the principles that are the bricks and mortar supporting our dwelling place. Someone suggested to me recently that we will all benefit from having just one conversation with someone who disagrees with us and find what common needs can be realized from civil discourse.
Respectful dialogue has never been more important. We are a diverse population, and that reality is not going to change. Thank God for that. To live in a diverse culture on a beautiful continent is a gift. Preserving that gift requires compassion and hard work. Unity is more powerful than division.
As adults with ADHD, our differences do not disqualify us from gainful employment, fulfilling marriages, healthcare and other basic rights. The same is true for all kinds of differences that make up the human family. To engage in compassionate action is to give to others what we wish for ourselves.
I wish the best for you and your family, and for your community. May we remain united in love and respect for one another.
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